The movie “The Blind Side,” based on the true story of welfare-to-wealth football player Michael Oher, rocked the box office last weekend. Many claim that the film is Sandra Bullock’s best performance of her career, but the real commander of the screen is rookie actor Quinton Aaron.
The story takes place in suburban Memphis, where Leigh Anne Tuohy (Bullock) pulls Oher off the streets to spend the night in her home. Months later, Oher is still there and the family officially adopts him. Oher, portrayed by Aaron, shows a enlightening change from the beginning of the film to the end.
In the beginning he is the gentle giant, lurking around the Memphis projects known as Hurt Village in his 6′ 10″ frame with nowhere to lay his head. By the end, he is the charismatic college football player turning everyone’s heads the second he sets foot on the gridiron.
Even though the film is based around the game of football, the movie didn’t play out as an average sports film. It digressed into a touchy-feely-pity movie. Filled with laughs, and at least one person leaving in tears, the movie rightfully deserves the $100 million it has grossed in its opening two weeks.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10