Movie Hype of the Week: “RoboCop”

Man, I love me some cheesy 90s action movies. And “RoboCop” is certainly no exception. The ultraviolent, catchpahrase- spewing machine that is “RoboCop” has not only entertained me constantly, but also made into my top 10 movie list simply due to its sheer absurdity.

And thus, imagine my joy when I saw the first teaser trailer for the upcoming reboot. However, my happiness was quickly eclipsed by the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Murphy should’ve stayed in the 90s. I just feel like the corny bloodbath that I know and love will be replaced by a gritty, serious reboot. Perhaps today’s audiences would be less receptive to the familiar insanity that I know and love, criticizing the film for having no plot. In this sense, a more distinguished storyline might be better. A reboot worked out really well for “Man of Steel,” and worked okay for “Spiderman,” but they weren’t corny action flicks, such as “G.I. Joe,” which has fallen on its face in box offices over and over again. That’s not to say I won’t watch “RoboCop”  it just seems like the series may be changing from what it once was, a change I’m not altogether okay with.