Students visit the art department’s Fine Arts Festival

Nicole Weaver

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  • Sophomores Elli Karistinou and Lena Sbaschnig enjoy the art work from the AP Drawing classes. Each artist has their own unique portfolio to exhibit to the College Board for review.

  • Senior Julia Schneider describes her work to a visitor. This exhibit features artwork from several different artists with both functional and decorative ceramics.

  • Sophomore Keisha Oyeyinka and junior Valeria Alcalde compare the artwork for their critiques. Each part of the festival is sectioned off by the art classes with multiple works of art from each artist.

  • Students look over the ceramics and sculpture art pieces. As part of the festival, students are to write a written critique of the artwork.

  • Sophomores Matt Matos, Cynthia Gabron and Mallory Booth critique the 3D sculptures at the festival.

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