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Summer Stories From Around the World

Missing summer? Wishing you could just get away and take an exciting vacation? Well, The Pitch helps you experience summer all over again through students’ summer stories from across the globe. From foreign food tastings to embarrassing moments, read as students “write home” to their loved ones about their summer adventures.

Hey man! What’s up? I’m in Vancouver with all of my extended family. It’s crazy; I’ve never even met half of these people. We’ve been doing a lot of different activities though which is cool, and a couple of days ago we went kayaking. It was really tiring and afterwards we really wanted to go to this burger place that was right across the road. But for some reason, the guides put us in cars and sent us to a restaurant that was 20 minutes away. At first, we didn’t mind because this restaurant also had burgers, but when we went to order, they told us that the lunch menu (including the burgers) had ended . . . 20 minutes ago! It was really annoying and we ended up having to go to this fish-n-chips hole in the wall across the street. The food was horrible. But I’m not annoyed anymore because I’m eating a burger right now, while I’m writing to you! Anyways, I hope you’re enjoying your summer.
Hey sis,
Oh my god, I can’t believe you decided not to come to Pennsylvania! It’s awesome here and, oh my god, guess who I visited yesterday? Josh*! Remember him? He was our neighbor and he moved to Pennsylvania a few years ago. Oh my god, remember how he used to be obsessed with Pokemon cards? He was so funny. But anyways, when I visited him I thought he would be normal now, I mean, he goes to private school and everything. So I was in his room and I decided to open his closet and, oh my god, it was huge! Like, at least five times the size of mine . . . or of any normal girl’s actually. It was completely full of clothes and shoes too. Like, any brand you could name, he would have it in his closet. It was so weird, but he told me that, like, every guy at his private school has a huge closet, too. I so don’t believe him . . . or maybe the big closet symbolizes something else? Like that he hasn’t come out of it yet? Ha, ha, ha just kidding! Wish you were here and hope you’re having fun at home!
See you soon,
Hey girl!
Wow, Italy is so amazing. The guys here are gorgeous, the sights are so pretty and the food is great. But the portions are so small! It’s crazy. One day, my friend and I were at this restaurant and I ordered the lasagna, but the waiter told me that my friend and I should share it because the lasagna would be enough for three people. We said we were hungry and so I just ordered my own lasagna and she ordered something else. But when the food came out, the amounts were so tiny! The lasagna was definitely not enough for me and my friend’s meal wasn’t enough for her either. We ended up ordering another meal each and the people in the restaurant gave us such weird looks! It was so funny; they would definitely be surprised at portion sizes if they came to the U.S.! Can’t wait to see you when I get home!
Hey Sarah, 
The most embarrassing thing happened to me yesterday! So, you know, I’m in Argentina with my camp, and you also know that I really don’t speak that much Spanish. Yesterday, we were doing our community service at this construction site and the director of the site (he was so cute!) was showing me how to, like, fling cement at the wall to get it to actually stay on the wall. I was really bad at it and he was explaining it all in Spanish, so I barely understood anything he was saying. When he let me try it on my own, the cement completely fell off the wall and I was totally covered in it instead! I kept trying while the construction worker watched and a little while later, I heard laughing behind me. I didn’t know who they were laughing at so I turned around to see. It was the construction worker’s wife and kid and they were totally laughing at me! It was so embarrassing and all my friends would not stop making fun of me for the rest of the day. I hope your summer’s going well! Write back soon. I wanna know how everything’s going between you and John!
Love ya!
Hey baby,
Africa is so cool! But it’s way too much time with just my family and me and I miss you so much! Remember how I tore my ACL a couple weeks ago? Yeah, that was a pretty big problem while we were climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. I got pretty bad altitude sickness at 15,000 feet and I threw up on my Crocs, and, it was hilarious; they melted! I guess it was from my stomach acid or something, which is kind of gross, but it was very funny. I was really excited to finish climbing the mountain but when we got up to 17,000 feet I got sick again and we had to turn around! It sucked and I was really disappointed. We have to hang out when I get home, I got you something and you’ll never guess what it is. I can’t wait to see you!
I love you, 
Dear Mom, 
orry I haven’t written back until now, but I was waiting for something interesting to happen first. Last night, I went out to dinner with all my friends and counselors and, don’t be mad, but I ate meat! I thought I was gonna die! It was an accident, and it was allmy counselor’s fault. He had played a prank on me before saying that a piece of bread was monkey brains, and last night at dinner he told me that a piece of bread was duck liver. Obviously I didn’t believe him and ate the bread anyways. My counselor freaked out and asked me if I was gonna explode. At first, I didn’t know what he was talking about, but then he told me that the bread really was duck liver! I really can’t believe I ate it! Don’t worry though, I’m still a vegetarian and I will never make a mistake like that again! But besides that, China is awesome, I really love it here. How’s everything at home? I hope everyone is good and tell dad I say hi!

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About the Contributors
Abby Singley
Abby Singley, Online Editor-in-Chief
Abby Singley was on the Pitch staff since her sophomore year, and as a senior, she was Online Editor-in-Chief and the Print Copy Chief in 2010-2011. The previous year, Abby was the first online editor-in-chief, and was also a copy editor during her sophomore and junior years. She is excited to be involved with the up-and-coming Pitch Online and help bring news to the WJ community in a faster, more innovative way. When not scanning the online administrator page or copy editing articles, Abby likes reading pop culture and news magazines and Web sites. Although she does not know where she is going to school yet, Abby will be entering college as a journalism major next year.
Katie Levingston
Katie Levingston, Online Editor in Chief
Although she seems quiet on the outside, 2010-2011 Online Editor-in-Chief Katie Levingston is bursting with energy on the inside. A former young Parisian in her second year on staff, Katie models her life after certain television shows, namely Gilmore Girls and Friends. She is unnaturally familiar with said sitcoms; she longs for the day when she can eat anything she wants and spend all her time at Central Perk in the Village. Nothing happens to her in real life, it all happens in Stars Hollow or in Monica’s apartment… okay? When she’s not practicing her speed-talking, she plays a mean clarinet in many different musical groups and spends inordinate amounts of time editing videos for the website. Among her most pressing decisions in life are what to order at a restaurant and which scarf to wear that day. She is insanely proud of her thick curly hair when it cooperates. She’s super excited to be a part of the up-and-coming Her doppelganger Anne Hathaway says, "Hi!"
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