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Meet the Candidates: Junior Class Info

Junior Class President

Brady Clarkson (Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)

1. -wants to raise money, unite the class and give other students a say

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2. -born on St. Patricks Day

3. -“I have more conservative views economically and socially than any other person running and I think that will help us save more money and spend it on much smarter purchases for the school.”

-will present differ goals and have different strategies to accomplish these goals

4. -no prior experience

5. -plays football outside of school and currently is employed at Wendy’s

6. -“I hope to show the junior class that I can serve as a key tool in achieving success financially and socially in this upcoming year and for hopefully our whole school.”


Elena Johnson (Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)

1. -goals are to “encourage spirit and unity in the class, encourage students to get involved in school, also to raise money for prom and the community through various fundraisers and class activities”

2. -“I’m from Oakton, Virginia and I moved here a month before I began 9th grade.”

3. -“I’m not running in this election just to be a ‘figurehead’ or ‘popular.’ I truly care about this school: it is my first priority and I will do all I can to do what’s best for our class.”

4. -“Though I have not had any experience running for class officer in this school, I am a natural born leader and will make my best effort in this year’s election.”

5. -“I am currently on the Poms squad here at WJ.” (has been on the Poms squad since freshman year, 2 years in total)  “I have also been doing ballet for 14 years. In the past I have been on swim team, played basketball and softball. I play guitar and piano.”

6. -“I look forward to meeting all of my classmates this year and making many new friends.”


Jake Karlin (Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)

1. -“My goals for Junior Class President is to bring more spirit, and energy to our class, which will unite us, and help us enjoy our time at WJ a lot more. I also want to get more students involved.”

2. -plays guitar, golf and tennis

-also involved “with a bunch of charities” and is “very flat footed”

3. -“I am at tons of sports and other events around WJ. I am also very spirited and active, so I am always involved with the school.”

4. -“I was a member of the student council in Farmland and Tilden. I volunteer for many local charities such as MVK and the Joshua M. Freeman foundation.”

5. -“I am a founding member of the Ninja club. I am hoping to make the golf and tennis teams next year, and I attend a ton of sports and other events at WJ.”

6. -“I am hoping to show the rest of the school how great of a class we are, and I think the easiest way to do that is to bring out our spirit, and I know I can do that for our class.”

Eli Gerber (Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)
Goals- “The sophomore class tends to be kind of passive when it comes to school spirit and stuff and I would like to energize.” -doesn’t want our class (class of 2012) to be remembered as having a boring homecoming, prom, etc.

Interesting fact/something people may not know- Eli makes really good fajitas

Competition- what differentiates Eli is that he used to be one of those people who didn’t care about school-related events, but realized this was not a good outlook to have and now cares about them (realized that it would be a waste of time hating school and decided to try and make the best of it)

Experience- current sophomore class president

Extracurricular Activities- plays on a soccer team outside of school and tutors for a company called Peer-2-Peer Tutoring

Other Comments- “Most of the arguments against me are that the SGA didn’t do anything and that it was all my fault (because he was president), but I would really appreciate it if people would give me the opportunity to serve again.” -plans on taking this new attitude and outlook to be as involved as possible at school with him if he is elected as junior class president



1. “I want to nurture a junior class that cares about their class and cares about their school.”
2. “I have written 2 book-length stories, both of which I deleted in anger.”
3. “I don’t have a ‘posse’ or ‘crew.’ I hang out with a lot of different people from nearly every demographic, and because of this I think I know what the grade as a whole wants.”
4. none
5. Photo Club, Its Academic!, plays the piano and is working on becoming qui-lingual
6. “I’m running as an irregular and humorous candidate, but if I am elected I intend to use what little power is vested in me with seriousness and with the utmost diligence.”
(Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)

Junior Class VP

Ethan Teicher
My goals as junior class vice preseident would be to amp up the spirit in our grade with thing that the juniors actually want to do, which is something that’s been missing from the class of 2012 for a while. An intersesting fact about me is that I love to dougie on a daily basis. I’m unique from the competition because ill try my hardest to do anything and everything for the class of 2012. A leadership role I have at wj was that I was a captain of the jv lacrosse team. At wj I’m on the jv lacrosse team and I am in the spanish honors society. Outside of wj I’m on board for my youth group.
John Stein

I want to create at least three new fundraisers, either sports related or for another cause. With these funds I want to have an end of the year six flags trip for the junior class, I also want to organize with the rest of the leadership class another ski trip. I will try to accomplish any goals that students present for me.


What’s an interesting fact about you, or what is something the school might not know about you?


I plan on Flying in the US Navy, like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Nobody knows how Chuck Norris endorses my campaign.


What is unique or different about you compared to your competition?

I have the most leadership experience because for the past 3 years I have been in the U.S. Air Force cadet program.

Bio/Info Gathering Questions (you don’t need full/good quotes for these, just the info because we need it to help us write the 2-

sentence bios about each candidate): 


Please list any current SGA and/or leadership involvement and experience you have/have had at WJ. (Leadership involvement as in

being in a leading role in a club, team, etc., not as in the actual Leadership Class.)


First Vice President candidate to make a campaign event, “Dine with Stein.”


Please list any clubs, sports, extracurricular activities, etc. that you are involved with at WJ or outside of school.


Cross Country, Swim and Dive last year, outdoor Track, MSI classic and rec soccer, Debate Team, USAF auxiliary.


Is there any other information you would like to provide The Pitch with about yourself, your campaign, etc.?


I’ve got mad hops, and I know how to make WJ’s Junior Class “Legit.” I’m the only candidate who’s the former Mayor of Sarah Palin’s town, Wasilla Alaska.

Junior Class Secretary
Conor Brodnick (Interview conducted by Miklos Szebeni)
What are your goals as junior class vice president?
– My goal is to put all the energy I can into an awesome junior year for our class. I want to plan activities that are beneficial to us, but only those that we would actually WANT to take part in. It is important that we have a voice in the school, and that it is accurately heard by the school. I just want to be able to have fun taking part in our class activities.

What is unique or different about you compared to your competition?
– I think that I bring a very unique energy to SGA that our class needs. I have a ton of ideas as to activities and fundraisers for our class, and would put all the energy our class knows we have into these events. If it’s not something that I would personally want to do, I would never suggest or agree. I want the class to know that they can depend on me. If elected, I know that our class’ voice would be heard.

Please list any current SGA and/or leadership involvement and experience you have/have had at WJ.
– I have been a head of a few independent fundraising campaigns, though none for the school. I have raised money in fundraisers for the MD Humane Society, as well as Georgetown University Hospital and The Livestrong Fund.

Please list any clubs, sports, extracurricular activities, etc. that you are involved with at WJ or outside of school.
– I am a member of the Walter Johnson JV Lacrosse Team, and went for a season the debate team. Out of school, I play four instruments. I am in three bands, and tend to gig about once a month. I won the 9:30 Club’s Battle of the Bands V with my band AD/HD, and have recorded a demo EP with them as well. I have also played at the 9:30 Club other times, as well as Union Jack’s and Georgetown Prep’s “Oasis” concert.

Is there any other information you would like to provide The Pitch with about yourself, your campaign, etc.?
– I just want the school to know that their wants and needs are the same as mine. My goal, as secretary, is to represent our junior class’ opinions as directly, clearly and accurately as possible. I am always open to suggestions from my class, and think I could be very effective as Secretary is elected.

Junior Class Treasurer

Kirk Savidas (Interview conducted by Ryan Lynch)
Goals- “I’m running as junior class treasurer so we can raise up money to have a good senior prom.  In order to do so we need to have fundraisers that people will actually partcipate in.  So I would create ideas for fundraisers and such.”

Interesting fact/something people may not know- “I think everyone at school knows everthing about me.  Some of the people may know I’m a wicked guitar player.” (has been playing the guitar for about 5 years)

Competition- “I think that I can really reach out, not like my competition, and everyone knows me and I know everyone.  I think I can reach out to more people.” -believes that people will become more involved when they see him

Experience- “Does President of thrid grade count?” (joking)  I ran last year, and I was unfortunate not to win, but I don’t think people will vote for the incumbent because she really didn’t do much.  (referring to Maggie Gilligan who is the current sophomore class treasurer)  The freshman class has more spirit than we do: we need to change that.”

Extracurricular Activities- most of his time is spent outside of school, but he takes music lessons and plays soccer outside of school- “I try to get involved at WJ and that’s what I’m trying to do this year.”

Other Comments- “I would like to say that, well that if you vote for me I promise to work with other elected officials to make our junior year the best year with an improvement on the homecoming hallway.  Not just one ski trip, more class trips as long as the budget can handle it.”




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Katie Levingston
Katie Levingston, Online Editor in Chief
Although she seems quiet on the outside, 2010-2011 Online Editor-in-Chief Katie Levingston is bursting with energy on the inside. A former young Parisian in her second year on staff, Katie models her life after certain television shows, namely Gilmore Girls and Friends. She is unnaturally familiar with said sitcoms; she longs for the day when she can eat anything she wants and spend all her time at Central Perk in the Village. Nothing happens to her in real life, it all happens in Stars Hollow or in Monica’s apartment… okay? When she’s not practicing her speed-talking, she plays a mean clarinet in many different musical groups and spends inordinate amounts of time editing videos for the website. Among her most pressing decisions in life are what to order at a restaurant and which scarf to wear that day. She is insanely proud of her thick curly hair when it cooperates. She’s super excited to be a part of the up-and-coming Her doppelganger Anne Hathaway says, "Hi!"
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