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Wrestling: Season Wrap-Up

The wrestling team had a strong start to the season this year, but could not keep up the momentum, and their success petered off towards the end of the season. The team beat 19 of the first 30 teams they competed against, but only 9 of the last 31 teams they met.

“The beginning was a winning part of the season,” said senior captain Nick Taylor. “We faced a lot of teams that we should have beat and then towards the end we faced better teams, some of whom we could have beaten but didn’t.”

Although the season cannot be considered a great success, Taylor said “it was not terrible” and believes that the youthfulness of the team is in part the cause for its mediocer performance.

With 72 percent of the team underclassmen, the team has more freshmen than seniors and juniors put together.

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Although this posed as a big setback for the team, it may be a helpful factor next year.

“We were very young this year so if some if the rising seniors and juniors can step up and lead, I think that the team will do well [next year],” said Taylor.

Next year’s captain will have a hard time filling the shoes of this year’s graduating captains, Taylor, Patrick Teixeira and Michael Bouvet, who have given astronomical support and leadership to the team.

The team has also been lucky to have excellent adult leadership.

“The coaches provided inspiration and gave the team the skills to do what we do,” said Taylor. “Hopefully next year will yield better results for the team, which has a lot of potential.”

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