To junior outside hitter Jennie Zelenko, being a part of the coed volleyball team is much more than points and wins. She has taken her three years of playing with WJ volleyball to be a life lesson, learning to be a better leader.
As one of the team’s captains this year, Zelenko is bringing her fresh attitude and outlook to the team in hopes of a succesful, but fun, season.
“Jennie inspires the team with her work ethic, her abilities and her positive personality,” said coach Bill Morris.
Although Zelenko is planning on only playing intramural volleyball in college, she believes that her years on the team have given her valuable paybacks that will help her down the road.
“[Being on the team] helped me with leadership, and introduced me to a lot of people,” she said.
Morris finds Zelenko to be an excellent leader; he says she is great at keeping everyone on the team happy, and always keeps the team functioning smoothly.
“She makes sure everyone feels important and is involved with what we are doing,” said Morris. “She is willing to sacrifice her role so that others get an opportunity to play.”
Zelenko insists that the team’s great chemistry would not be possible without the coaching of Morris.
“[Mr. Morris] is really encouraging,” said Zelenko. “He keeps it light. He understands that fun is first and winning is second.”
Not only does Morris find Zelenko to be a great captain, her teammates find her contributions to the team both noteworthy and irreplaceable. By bringing a great spirit to the court and bench, Zelenko brings a positive spirit to all of the other players.
“Jenny is always the loudest person on the bench,” said junior outside hitter Eleanor Janhunen. “Even if you mess up, she is always encouraging you to do your best.”