Up at bat: Are SOS lessons beneficial to students?

“[It was] kind of [beneficial], I don’t think a lot of students are really comfortable with talking to adults most of the time.” Clifford Hubbard, 9.

Every year students undergo a Signs of Suicide (SOS) lesson in order to inform and educate students on how to spot signs of suicide, how to help and where to get help and to remind students that support is always available, inside the building and out.

The grade levels received these lessons at different times and through different classes, with freshmen taking these lessons via science classes on Feb. 21-22, sophomores via English classes on Feb. 27-28, juniors via social studies classes on March 8-9 and seniors via English classes on March 13-14. During each lesson, counselors entered the class and instructed students using the SOS slideshow.

The overall topics covered included warning signs relating to suicidal thoughts, the differences between sadness and depression, signs and symptoms of depression, healthy coping skills and ways to get help. However, each grade level received lessons that were specific to their age group, meaning the information received was varied.

Students were administered the content instead of regular educational time during their designated classes. Absent students were required to make up the lessons on March 14.