A brief recap of some of the most notable events that have happened so far. Includes an exclusive interview with a BCC upperclassman about the BCC/WJ Metro fight.
Hosted by Liam Barrett
Thank you Nathaniel Seaman for agreeing to be interviewed, and a huge thanks to the WJ Pep Band for composing the introduction song. Thank you Mrs. Borrelli for letting me use her office to record.
Outro music by Liam Barrett via SoundTrap
Produced by The Pitch
Pitch Clapout Article: https://www.wjpitch.com/top-stories/2023/12/18/principal-jennifer-baker-celebrates-retirement-with-schoolwide-clap-out/
Pitch Retirement Announcement Article: https://www.wjpitch.com/top-stories/2023/10/02/principal-baker-announces-intention-to-retire-dec-1/
Metro Fight
Handgun Incident