Imagine you come back to school after vacation, excited to see your friends, and BAM! You’re hit with 10 different assignments, all due within a week! It’s a mixture of stress and late-night studying, only able to finish with determination and some caffeine-fueled motivation. Giving people more time to get back into their groove seems like a good idea and makes sense for our well being and to have a more balanced workload.
Grace periods after break give students an easier transition back into their regular schedule without being stressed out about keeping up with the workload. Over break, people travel out of state and their vacation days don’t always align with our days off from school. Because of this, it’s a lot harder for students to catch up on their missing work and will be falling behind.
It would also give students a chance to catch up on their missing work from before school was let out. Productivity decreases and students fall behind, especially around winter or spring break. A grace period would give us a chance to complete their work so we don’t fall behind even more.
Many aren’t going to worry about staying on top of their work and trying to remember everything they learned from before break. Instead, they are going to be having a fun and stress-free vacation. Students aren’t going to be worrying about school but will be celebrating the holidays with their families and friends.
Teachers underestimate the amount of pressure that is put on students as we transition back into school. They assign many assignments as if students haven’t just been gone for a week and a half and expect them to remember everything that was learned almost two weeks before.
Coming back from break, students feel overwhelmed trying to stay on top of all the assignments they get by the first few days back in school. It helps them mentally prepare and ease back into a regular schedule. Students will be able to transition more smoothly back into school.
Students would also get a chance to reconnect with their classmates after coming back from vacation. After break, many students are still in the process of transitioning back into school and they haven’t seen their friends or classmates in a while. Students will be able to get used to the environment again and ease back into school.
Having a grace period after break not only benefits the students but benefits teachers as well. Teachers won’t feel pressured with assigning homework and grading it. They get to give themselves a longer break and will also be able to come back to a regular schedule just like students.