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The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

During their Journalism 1 class, freshmen Bea Roberts, Gabby Davis and sophomore Elli Karistinou challenge each other to various games on their phones. The students could be using their time more efficiently by working on their upcoming Pitch articles.

Phone games alter teen priorities

Nikolette Delpierre, Special to the Pitch
June 16, 2023
A conversation with no words, just emojis as become a common trend these days.  With eight categories of emoticons, anything you want to say can be said in emojis.

The dangers of overusing emojis

Sloane Morra, Staff Writer
December 7, 2019
Students use apps such as Google Classroom and Quizlet to help with assignments. The use of cell phones for  these kinds of purposes.

WJ teachers enforce stricter phone policy

Aya Hesham, Assistant News Editor
September 27, 2019
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